Kim Jong Woon

Kim Jong Woon
The Art of Voice

Friday, 22 November 2013

Forgetting You Need A Little Longer

Hi Yeorobuuuun!!! I'm sorry for making this a personal blog for myself.
Have you get into an unrequited feeling? I did and am going to quit.
Even if I begin it as a coincidence, but still it's not something I can throw away when i decided to.
Now, let's say he will not read this, shall he? I just want to write my feeling honestly once in this blog. I will let this feeling go however. It's not a feeling to long lasting.
I believe this is a phase that I have to step on. So that I can get onto the next phase.
To a person who is not my type and also I'm not his type. Let's forget the person we like now, step forward!!! n_n

I say I should forget you
Some of my friends said I have to show you
Most of wise person will say I should

Monday, 18 November 2013

Kim Jong Woon


Kim Jong Woon (김종운) was born in Seoul, on August, 24th in 1984.  He passed his childhood, about ten years, in Seoul and his teen in Choenan due to his family removal. He loves music that he spent his Middle School’s break time to saving money and buying mini-radio. Then, he had had to accept it when his Mother broke it because it led his rank in school decreased. Once in middle school, he sang a song to show off to a girl he

Monday, 14 October 2013

Introduction to ShinWoonie

Assalamu 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Hello! I'm Ade. This is not my first blog, but my very first posting. I have many thing in my note to write down, fanfic, information, sharing and discussion issues, idolizing Yesung shin hye, learning languages, etc, but i'd like you to know first my purpose to be here as blogger. Firstly, i like write, but i'm not good (on it). I heard that blogging is good to improve my writing skill. Second, i want to make friends that i can